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Three ducks go to heaven.

Three ducks go to heaven.The first duck waddles up to St. Peter and St. peter asks "What happened, you know, how did you die?"

The duck replies, "I was just minding my own buisness, floatin' along in the water, i stuck my head under, started blowin' bubbles and a boat ran over my back."

St. Peter lets him into heaven.

The second duck walks up and St peter asks the duck the same question, "What happened?"

The duck replies, "Same thing here, i was just minding my ouwn buisness, floatin' in the water, stuck my head under the water, started blowin' bubbles, then a boat runs over my back."

St. Peter lets him into heaven.

The third duck walks up and St. Peter asks, "Let me guess, a boat ran you over?"

The duck shakes his head and replies, "Nope, I'm Bubbles"


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